Configure 3CX PBX phone extension – Deskphone, Smart phone, Softphone or web browser


You can access your phone extension via a Deskphone, Mobile Smart Phone, Softphone (computer software and a headset) or via your favourite internet browser. This article explains how to acheive this.


If you are experiencing issues contact us via this form


Phone: 07 3177 9936
51 Casell Street, East Brisbane qLD 4169

What is actually happening here?



Phone: 07 3177 9936
51 Casell Street, East Brisbane qLD 4169

TEGRO Privacy Statement


1. Privacy Policy

1.1 At TEGRO, we are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This Policy describes our current policies and practices in relation to the collection, handling, use and disclosure of personal information. It also deals with how you can complain about a breach of the privacy laws, how you can access the personal information we hold about you and how to have that information corrected.

2. What Information Do We Collect and How Do We Use It?
2.1 When we prepare recommendations or quotations for you, we ask you for the information we need to develop our advice for your particular request or circumstances, needs and objectives. This can include a broad range of information ranging from your name, address and contact details to other information about your business requirements including specific details of your technology systems, access to those systems and passwords

2.2 We may provide some, or all of the information that you provide to us, to other relevant parties, such as suppliers, manufacturers and software publishers, as well as contracted consultants, to enable them to provide us with specific information about your systems and/or requirements, or for them to assist us to support you in your requests. In order to deliver goods to you, we may provide companies with your delivery details including your name, company details, address and contact phone number. In order to supply some products (including software and subscription services) we will give relevant suppliers, manufacturers and/or publishers details you provide us, including your name, company details, address, email contact and phone number.

2.3 We also use your information to enable us to manage your ongoing requirements and our relationship with you, e.g. issuing renewal advice, supplying accurate quotations, supporting you and your staff in their IT requests with us, as well as administering our own internal management systems, such as client analysis reports, client surveys, issuing invoices, establishing payment systems, and preparing technical analysis reports.

2.4 From time to time we will use your contact details to send you offers, updates, events, articles, newsletters or other information about products and services that we believe will be of interest to you. We may also send you regular updates by email or by post. We will always give you the option of electing not to receive these communications and you can unsubscribe at any time by notifying us that you wish to do so.

2.5 We may also use your information internally to help us improve our services and help resolve any problems.

3. Monitoring and Data Collection Services
3.1 TEGRO offers monitoring and auditing services to clients for the purpose of providing technical support, advice and/or assisting in implementing IT Solutions. If you authorise TEGRO to implement these solutions, you must inform users on your computer/s or computer network that these monitoring and/or auditing services are in place AND the types of information that may be gathered or viewed due to this. You may be in breach of privacy regulations if you do not. These services may even effect ‘visiting’ users who plug into your network.

3.2 You acknowledge that for the purpose of providing you with the agreed support services, TEGRO Staff or TEGRO authorised personnel may access in full or part personal information on your computer systems, including, but not limited to those listed in section 3.3 below. If requested by you, or for the purpose of assisting you with technology management, we may also report on this information from time to time;

3.3 Monitoring and Data Collection tools will give TEGRO Staff and TEGRO authorised personnel access to personal data including, but not limited to the below and may also be configured to automatically perform these tasks:

· Access to your company and personal data (including such things as emails and files stored on your network)

· Access your live computer use (i.e. to view your real-time computer use)

· Access or automate your internet usage, including URLs (specific websites) visited

· View and monitor software applications installed and used, including licensing information

· Actively block certain web usage or programs running which may contravene ours or your company’s usage policies (through automation)

· Access and/or automate the monitoring and viewing of social network use

· Store passwords you provide or we gather to do with your systems

· Where we are acting as your phone support or carrier; capture and store your phone calls for the purpose of fault diagnostics

4. What If You Do Not Provide Some Information To Us?
4.1 If you do not provide us with some or all of the information that we ask for, we may not be able to provide you with comprehensive advice, which may adversely affect your technical systems and or cause you financial loss.

5. How Do We Hold and Protect Your Information?
5.1 We strive to maintain the relevance, reliability, accuracy, completeness and currency of the personal information we hold and to protect its privacy and security.

5.2 We keep personal information only for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or document retention requirements.

5.3 We hold the information we collect from you primarily in our electronic data client file management systems, including, but not limited to the services from the following companies:

· Microsoft, Connectwise, SecurePay, Ezidebit, MYOB

5.4 In addition to holding your information electronically, we may also temporarily hold hard copy files of your personal information, until destroying or returning same to you.

5.5 We do not hold hard copy files of your personal information indefinitely.

5.6 Whilst we endeavour to ensure the security of your personal information being stored with our external cloud-based data storage providers (listed in section 5.3 above), by not intentionally authorising the use of your personal information by the contracted providers, and by only contracting internationally-recognised and reputable providers, and by implementing and maintaining our own password protection procedures, we cannot absolutely guarantee the unintentional, unauthorised and or illegal disclosure and or use of your personal information by the providers, and or any unauthorised persons or entities.

5.7 Any of your hard copy documents we may physically store on our premises and that contains your personal information is protected by restricting access to only those team members that require access.

5.8 Our website uses technology to collect information about the use of our website, for example when you browse our website our service provider may log your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages and links accessed and the type of browser used. If you are logged into our system we may record pages you visit against your customer record. This information is for statistical purposes and to improve the content and functionality of our website, to better understand our clients and markets and to improve our services.

5.9 In order for our website to collect the anonymous data (detailed in section 5.8) we may use “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of information which are sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Sometimes they identify users where the website requires information to be retained from one page to the next. This is purely to increase the functionality of the site. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to discover the identity of the user. Cookies do not damage your computer and you can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie so that you can decide if you want to accept it. The cookies our website uses allow the website to recognise your computer when you return in the future.

5.10 If you use our website forms the details you enter into the relevant fields will be added to our website contact database for the primary purpose of our company contacting you to fulfil your request. The name and email address you enter into these fields will be automatically added to our website Contact Database, for the purposes of informing you of the products and services we offer, as well as other promotional material we may send to you. If you make a purchase then the products you purchase will be linked to your purchase history. You can change the contact details we have recorded or request to be removed from our website Contact Database at any time by contacting us.

5.11 We do not sell to any third party any of the information collected from you.

6. Will We Disclose The Information We Collect To Anyone?
6.1 We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We will disclose your information to providers to undertake the activities and processes listed above and may need to provide your information to suppliers and contractors who supply services to us. However, where possible and practicable, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that they protect your information in the same way that we do.

6.2 We may also provide your information to others if we are required to do so by law or under some unusual other circumstances which the Privacy Act permits.

6.3 We may disclose your information to recipients in countries other than Australia for the purpose of activities and processes listed above. You acknowledge that they may not be regulated by laws which protect your information in a way that is similar to the Privacy Act, and by disclosing your information to us or allowing us to collect it you acknowledge this may occur.

6.4 If you do not pay amounts we invoice to you within our credit terms, we may provide your information to a credit reporting agency.

7. How can you check, update or change the information we are holding?
7.1 Upon receipt of your written request and enough information to allow us to identify the information, we will disclose to you the personal information we hold about you. We will also correct, amend or delete any information that we agree is inaccurate, irrelevant, out of date or incomplete.

7.2 If you wish to access or correct your information please write to The Privacy Officer for TEGRO Pty Ltd, PO Box 8077, Woolloongabba, Qld, 4102, or email:, or phone 07 3177 9936.

7.3 We do not charge for receiving a request for access to personal information or for complying with a correction request, and we do not charge for providing access to personal information.

7.4 In some limited cases, we may need to refuse access to your information or refuse a request for correction. We will advise you as soon as possible after your request if this is the case and the reasons for our refusal.

8. What happens if you want to complain?
8.1 If you have any concerns about whether we have complied with the Privacy Act or this Privacy Policy when collecting of handling your personal information, please write to our Privacy Officer, as detailed in section 7.2 above.

8.2 We will consider your complaint through our internal complaints resolution process and we will try to respond with a decision within 45 days of you making the complaint.

9. Your consent
9.1 By asking us to assist with recommending, quoting or advising you on a product or service we offer, you consent to the collection and use of the information you have provided to us for the purposes described above.

10. Tell us what you think
10.1 We welcome your questions and comments about privacy. If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact our Privacy Officer, as detailed in section 7.2 above.PO Box 8077


TEGRO Terms and Conditions

1. Terms and conditions

1.1. TEGRO Pty Ltd (“TEGRO”) refers to the entity TEGRO Pty Ltd ABN 45 602 563 897. We are an Australian Company.

1.2. ‘products’ means such things as goods and services that could be; physical, virtual, hosted services, labour, time and anything else invoiced or offered by TEGRO

1.3. ‘you’ means the individual or company (via the nominated representative) who has engaged TEGRO to provide ‘product’.

1.4. Except where the law states otherwise, TEGRO’s maximum liability will be limited to the refund paid for ‘products’ at time of sale.

2. Payment

2.1. TEGRO accepts Visa Card, Master Card, Direct deposit, Direct Debit and Cash. Recurring services must be paid via Direct Debit.

2.2. In certain circumstances TEGRO may offer credit terms. You should email with your enquiry if you are seeking a credit account. If approved you will be granted credit terms. Payment for outstanding money on credit terms is processed via a Direct Debit system.

2.3. TEGRO supplies invoices and statements via email to your nominated email address. Please update us if that changes.

2.4. If you believe there is an error on either an invoice or a statement, you should alert TEGRO so this can be investigated.

2.5. All transactions between TEGRO and you are to be governed by relevant Commonwealth and Queensland law.


2.6. TEGRO provides an online payment facility linked to its quoting and product catalogue. If applicable, fees associated with payments are clearly stated during the purchase process.

2.7. TEGRO uses a third party payment gateway that is PCI DSS accredited. TEGRO does not store credit card details on any of its own systems in anyway whatsoever.

2.8. TEGRO accepts Visa Card and Master Card via the online payment system.

2.9. Payments made via the online payment system are processed immediately.


2.10. If you have set up a direct debit agreement with TEGRO your nominated account will be debited on the day agreed or next business day. Where possible, TEGRO will attempt to email you 7 days in advance of their nominated account being debited.

2.11. If you wish to change the Direct Debit agreement (including nominated bank details), they must provide TEGRO with a new authority at least 14 days prior to payment due date.

2.12. TEGRO reserves the right to, at any time, withdraw a service and stop a Direct Debit agreement with 14 days prior notice. In the event that TEGRO ceases to trade, all payment plans will be cancelled immediately and both you and your financial institution will be notified.

3.  Supply & Return Policy

3.1. All products remain the property of TEGRO until cleared funds have been received.

3.2. For orders placed via TEGRO’s electronic catalogue, we will endeavour to deliver goods within 1-3 working days. We will be in contact with you during this time with updates as long as you have provided us with contact details. Stock quantities shown are indicative, and may not be ‘in stock’ at our local warehouse. Should there be a delay in supplying your goods you may request a full refund prior to supply.

3.3. TEGRO will consider requests for refund or exchange of products not fit for the purpose required by you unless this occurs due to you not disclosing relevant information to TEGRO at the time of supply.

3.4. The goods supplied to you come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under Australian Consumer Law. Consumers are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure, and for compensation for any other reasonable foreseeable loss or damage. Consumers are also entitled to have goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Should you wish to discuss a refund or return or dispute any charges please contact us on 07 3177 9936 or via

3.5. TEGRO will notify you when goods are being shipped to the specified delivery address. If goods are not received by you within the specified delivery time period it is your responsibility to alert TEGRO within 24 hours so an investigation can begin. If you do not alert TEGRO within this time period and delivery advice from the carrier confirms correct delivery, TEGRO cannot be held responsible for any loss suffered by you. You will still be responsible for payment of the goods.


3.6. TEGRO offers a variety of communication products, including Internet, Phone, Fax, DATA and other voice services. These services come with contracts which have minimum costs as outlined in our Service Agreement Contact to you, and where these services are billed monthly, you will be billed in advance. In addition to set monthly access charges, some products may incur usage charges. Examples of these usage charges are; call charges, excess data usage charges and volume usage charges. Possible usage charges are outlined on your Service Agreement Contract. TEGRO will bill you for these usage charges the month after they are incurred. However, should these usage charges be regular, TEGRO will require a security deposit to cover these usage charges